Safe Durable High Quality Educational Toys from Europe


Premium Quality Toys and Face Paints for Children

We are so excited about our selection for Toys here at our store.
We are proud that the majority of our lines are from high-quality
manufacturers and products originating from Europe. Our policy is quite

When looking for a new product we ask ourselves:

  • Would we at be happy for our children to use and play with the toys we offer?
  • Are they educational?
  • Are they safe?
  • Were they produced in facilities that respect their workers and the environment?

                                             Safe Durable Toys from Europe          

ONLY If the answers are a resounding YES, then we engage and negotiate the best possible deal to benefit our valued customers.

All of our brands and products undergo safety and quality inspections.
Our toys have CE EN, ASTM and are CPSC approved for sale in the US, Canada and worldwide.

Thank You for considering us and Thank You for being our Customer.

ETG Toys
Division of Kobal Sales & Marketing Ltd.